
Information on this website

Sarebo bv, hereinafter 'Sarebo', makes every effort to ensure the reliability and correctness of the information on this website. However, inaccuracies and incompleteness in the information displayed can occur. Sarebo is not liable for incompleteness or inaccuracies in the information displayed on or through this website. Sarebo reserves the right to change the contents of the information on this website.

Availability of this website

Sarebo does not guarantee the flawless availability or uninterrupted access to this website or the services offered by electronic means. Sarebo is not liable for damage as a result of inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information and services offered, nor for damage that is the result of problems caused by or inherent to the distribution of information through the internet, such as faults or interruptions of or faults or delay in the provision of information by Sarebo, or by you to Sarebo, by means of this websites or other electronic means.

Referrals and hyperlinks

Referrals to or hyperlinks to other websites only serve to inform the user. Sarebo is not responsible for the content of internet sites to which or from which is referred by means of a hyperlink or otherwise. Sarebo reserves the right to end every link or programme in question at any time.

Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights with respect to this site lie with Sarebo or its licensers. The user is not permitted to change, sell, license, copy partially or fully and/or make public the contents of this site without express written permission from Sarebo.


Sarebo does not guarantee that the information, software or referrals or hyperlinks that are accessible through this website are free of viruses or comparable harmful components.