Privacy statement

Sarebo BV will handle the data of visitors to this site in conformity with the Dutch Data Protection Act.

What personal data do we collect, and why?
The company is allowed to collect certain personal information about you, such as your name, your first name, your postal address, your telephone and mobile telephone number, your email address, your personal specialisation/profession and your acceptance of this privacy statement. Some websites may be accessed without registering or filling in personal data, other websites, or sections of the websites, cannot be accessed without registration. Moreover, if you contact us, we will keep your personal data on file so that we will be able to answer your questions.

How do we protect your personal data?
The company takes measures to prevent unauthorized access to its website and modification, acquisition or abuse of personal data by unauthorized parties. However, the company wishes to point out to its visitors that no network, even the Internet, is fully secure. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or unauthorized acquisition of the personal data provided to our website, or for any damage arising from such loss, damage or unauthorized acquisition.

How do we safeguard the integrity of your personal data?
The company had worked out procedures to keep your personal data exact, complete and up to date for the purpose they were collected and intended for. You may check the data you provided and, if necessary, you may request us to correct them. Please contact us if you wish to enquire after your personal data or to remove them.

Data which are placed on your computer automatically - cookies. If you visit our website, we may sometimes save certain data on your computer. These data may be in the form of a small text file, a so-called cookie, and they may help us to improve your experience with our website. For instance, cookies enable us to better match a website to your interests and preferences. In other words, our website uses cookies to check which sections of our website are consulted most often and how much time visitors spend in these sections. Cookies are only read by the server that placed them and cannot execute codes or viruses. If any specific programmes on our website are linked to entering a username and password, you will also be given the options to save your username and your password, so you no longer need to enter these data the next time you visit our website. This function is based on placing a cookie.
Most Internet browsers offer you the possibility to delete cookies from the hard drive of your computer, to block all cookies or to generate a warning before cookies are installed. You may consult your browser instructions and your help screen for further information on these functions. Please note: some of our website's functions and programmes may not be available if cookies are deleted or blocked.

Some cookie applications for the company's website may be managed by external parties hired by the company to manage certain programmes and to process specific visitors and customers requests. The company will request these external parties to restrict their use of the cookies to the applications as set out in this privacy statement, but cannot be held responsible for the use of cookies by third parties.
How can you ask questions about our privacy policy and enquire after your personal data?
Data are provided on a voluntary basis, and you are entitled not to provide them. If you have any questions or problems with regard to this privacy statement, if you wish to look into your personal data, or if you want to ask us not to use your personal data for a certain purpose, please let us know.
Changes to this privacy statement

This privacy statement constitutes the only acknowledged statement on the company's practices with regard to the collection of personal data through its website and the subsequent use and disclosure of these data. Summaries of this statement, generated by software of third parties or otherwise - for example in connection with the 'Platform for Privacy Preferences' or 'P3P' – are not legally valid, are in no way binding for the company, may not be used to replace this statement and cannot be considered to be new versions or amendments of this statement.

The company is allowed to revise this privacy statement from time to time. You are well advised to save this page under your favourites and frequently check if you still have the most recent version of this statement at your disposal. Each time the privacy statement is significantly amended, a notification will be published on the website.